Saturday, January 16, 2010


So me and my friends where going to go to the movies Wednesday or Thursday. But when i asked my mom she said no she said unless i could get those girls to come to church (not likely i wish though). i don't understand why she has no good reason but i will try to respect her answer. Maybe she will change her mind. my brother gets to go to the movies with his friends because he is "16" my mom has let me go to the movies with friends before though. I still think its unfair. despite her answer I love her how can I not.......


  1. sorry its not the best blog im just a starter my sister is going to help me get some pictures soon hopefully

  2. I want to encourage you to listen to your Mom, I'm positive she has a reason for this. While it may not be clear right now, it may become clear in the future. Keep blogging!
    Your friend,

  3. Take it from somebody who is most likely older then you. Your going to look back on this and think "Wow, I was stupid" I used to fight with my parents all the time and now I see and understand why they did what they did, and though it's unfair at the moment it's for the best. Sometimes it helps to talk to your parents! Just say "I don't understand why you're doing this, but I want to. I want to understand" Another thing that helps (experience!!!!!) is don't make plans without talking to a parent first. Keep blogging!


  4. thanks guys well girls kayla that great ex-vice i know that parents have a reson for everything just as God does.

    Natasha, i saw yr blog its great im not really good at the hole follow people thing but i will try to follow u both i also wanted to say im home schooled to woot woot!

  5. hey i just relized kayla, that you are a home schooling mom? if so i think it is lovvely that you can do that my mom always says that homeschooling takes alot out of you so GO HOME SCHOOL MOMS WOOT WOOT !?!
